Monday, May 25, 2009

Nightmares Follow KEITH!!!!!

Okay....for all those who knw its fine...and for all the blank minds...KEITH is j-mac's debut movie...after which he was compared to LEONARDO DiCAPRIO for his performance in Marvin's Room and all....

THe movie is a damn serious one...but one of the major impact which the movie has...are the terrible nightmares one gets after watching it!!!!!

Ppl out there might think what kinda' fishy thing is that...but its true and believe me its an experienced discovery........

So watch out all the mac-followers......just get to do something fun once you're done watching the movie.....or otherwise....just get ready for the horror KEITH sequels ur unconcious mind's gonna direct and produce for you!!!!!

By: Devanshi (Cosmo)


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